So, we got a new computer...Elizabeth turned 1....I got a Nook and am addicted to it....Elizabeth can now walk~sort of~...I gave in and watched the Twilight movie~it was okay~....Travis still works at Walgreens and still loves it...we still go on drives to Seattle and Tacoma...the boys keep getting bigger without my permission...Elizabeth refuses to grow (10% weight at her 1 year checkup today)...I finally caved and am now reading all of Dan Brown's books and I like them...I still go to Weight Watchers, but thanks to all my stinkin health issues, I am stuck in the same place, but still determined...we are still sort of addicted to Facebook...I still love my husband and still have the cutest kids ever.
See, not much has changed, so you haven't really missed too much despite my extremely horrible blogging. I'll leave you with a picture of the family. (o: