Friday, December 10, 2010

Update for the week

So...Travis's mom went to her home after staying with us for 6 days. Poor lady was so sick, but I do believe she is recovering at a normal pace. Travis will be taking her to her doctor appointment this afternoon, so we will find out how it is healing. I remember (almost 25 years ago) when my right hand was in a cast was very difficult to function. She is left handed and it was her left hand that was repaired, so she is having to learn how to do everything wrong handed.

Not much else to really report. We've been taking care of Travis's parents, doing school, and getting started (finally) on the Christmas decor. The kids have such a great spirit about the holiday's quite catching!

My old, trusty cell phone died on me, so we went and got a new phone. We just do prepaid and only use the phones for texting, so I didn't care to have a fancy one, but since I last bought a phone (4 years ago) has really taken off and a camera flip phone isn't a billion dollars anymore. So, that is what I got. So, below is a picture of my sleeping baby...taken by my little phone. She looked so sweet and innocent, I couldn't resist.

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