Yesterday we decided to take the boys out for a little drive. Connor, Joseph, and Elizabeth all have colds and have been stuck in the house for a few, we just needed to get out. So, we loaded everyone up and thought we would just drive to the city and back as usual. When we got into the city Travis asked what I thought of going to the Ballard Locks. We haven't ever done that...I've lived here for 14 years and I've never been there, so I said sure. (plus, it's free except a couple dollars parking) So, off we went to the famous Ballard locks. Here is a photo journal of our little trip.
In Ballard we rolled up next to this lovely little car. It's covered in old floppy discs! Notice the keys (like from a keyboard) all around the trim? The license plate read, "disc dvr" or something like that. Isn't that funny? We saw lots of people snapping pictures of her car with their camera phones. Gotta love the, um, interesting people who live in Seattle.
When we arrived at the docks, we were very happy to see that at 6 pm we no longer had to pay for parking. It was 6:10. Wahoo~a truly free trip. (o: Of course we had to do a family shot when we first got there. Notice the funny guys to the left that posed for the photo? I said, "Connor looks like he's the devil and Spencer looks possessed."
I just loved this shot. The right side was for big boats, left side smaller boats. The bridge is a train bridge and usually the right side is lifted up, but a train had just passed by so the bridge was down.
This is inside the lock for the big boats. It is nearly empty. They were just beginning to fill it when we got there. Can you guess how high the water gets before they open it? The green is kind of a give away.
The lock is almost full. We loved this cool house boat.
The locks were filled and the boats left. The people waved to our kids as they went through.
How many clowns can you fit in a phone booth?
Despite not feeling well, these children had a tremendous amount of energy!
We got to climb lots of stairs...but the view was worth it...
....don't ya think?
We were walking along side a guy with a dog. He noticed that Elizabeth was watching the dog very closely so he picked up the dog and introduced them. She thought it was way cool.
Ever watch "Deadliest Catch" on Discovery channel? It's one of our favorite shows. It's very intersting and most of the guys are from Seattle. Ballard is a Scandinavian town. (Nelson's are all Scandinavians so we fit in well there). Most of the fisherman are Scandinavian. (ever heard Capt. Sig speak Norwegian?) Whenever we go to Ballard I ask,"Can you see any of the boats? The Northwestern? Cornelia Marie? The Wizard?" I've never seen any of them there, but I know they go there. But, even though I haven't seen their boats, I have seen...
...the Lockspot. This is where they filmed the show "After the Catch". We passed a sign that said something about Deadliest Catch tours as we were driving away. We are so going to have to go back there soon so I can get a closer look...and someday I will have to eat there...someday.

So. That is our little spur of the moment trip. We took 100 pictures. We had fun and the kids slept well last night. (o: