Yesterday we awoke to a light blanket of snow on the ground. An hour later, it was really coming down. Travis said, "I'm not sure it would be a good idea to go to church today. Gasman would be really scary!" (Gasman road is a very curvy road that is the only road that takes us down from the bluffs to the main roads. It's about 2 miles long.) Not long after he voiced his concerns, the phones started ringing that church was canceled. Joseph and Connor were already outside playing in the snow. We ended up spending over 5 hours outside in the snow as it fell. Travis said it was one of best days he's had as a family in a while. Here are a few pictures of the day.

Spencer started out his morning snuggled up reading his favorite books. (We are big
Diary of a Wimpy Kid fans)

Lizbet really wanted to go out in the we threw on an old sweatshirt and Connor's hat. She stayed pretty much on the deck, but had a blast!

Spencer decided that the snow was too tempting, so he abandoned his reading and headed out. (yes...our children wore their jammie's alllll day!)

Daddy went out and threw some snowballs and had some fun.

I was busy with the camera. We have 4 suet cages, 2 bird houses, one seed sock, and one hummingbird feeder all our in our backyard...they were all hopping busy.

This is the most hummingbird action we have seen since we moved here! They are sooo cool!

We moved to the front yard and the boys started helping Travis make a snowman...

....but then the neighbors invited the boys to sled down the street instead....

Lizbet got cold and just watched at the door with Daddy's snuggie.

They had a blast! Connor was the only one that wore jeans.

...meanwhile...Daddy worked on the snowman on his own...until Little Miss decided to go out and "help" him.

She said, "Too cold!", but had lots of fun watching.

What a cute Travee and his snowman! That thing will never never is warm up here on the Bluff's.

Joseph and Connor went down the hill together a lot. I baked peanut butter cookies and had Joseph take the plate out and hand them out to the neighbors while they were still warm to say thank you for including our kids. We have such awesome neighbors!!!

This was the first picture I took after it really started to come down. You can see the green of the grass still. (I'm not sure why this one ended up at the bottom, but that's okay)
It was a great day!