Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Today is Weight Watchers Losa-A-Palooza! Every blog entry that says "Lose For Good" today "donates" a dollar toward ending childrens hunger. So, I'm doing my part...even though I have a blog entry that talks about Lose for Good already. (o: It really is a great program. In 2 weeks I've lost 2.4. I have 2.4 pounds of food sitting on my tv stand. That food will be donated to a hungry child. What a good feeling! So, like I said before, if you need to lose weight and want to join WW, now would be an awesome time to do it! Or, if you don't need to lose weight, but want to help, get in contact with someone you know that is a member (like me) and they can bring your food in for you.

This is my leader, Debbie, and Jenny McCarthy. Lose for Good was all Debbie's idea. We'd been doing it for years before the CEO heard about it and decided to incorporate it Nationally. I explained more about it on September 10th....so scroll on down. (o:


Rachael said...

That's so awesome! Go Dawn!!

Poon Family said...

i saw it on the Rachel Ray show.