You can't really see it, but it is snowing in this picture. First time in over 30 years that it snowed on Christmas day in Seattle. It came down for a couple of hours and then went away, but it really made our day!
In other news, I took the boys to Pizza Hut the other day. All by myself to a sit down eating place. They were very good. I signed our 'school'~the Nelson Boys Academy~up for Pizza Huts reading program, Book It! They sent me charts and coupons and so once the boys read a certain amount of books that I allot, they get a coupon for a free personal pan pizza. We went during lunch time. They have a lunch buffet so I got the buffet, Connor eats free, and the other two had their pizzas. We walked out pretty stuffed~all for $8! It was a lot of fun.They told each other knock knock jokes while they waited for their pizza and we discussed the holidays and had a really great time. Now they are asking what they can read to earn their next pizza.
So, that is about all for now. We are going to make "gingerbread" (graham cracker) houses tomorrow and start working on their Christmas cards. They are insisting on making some of their own this year.
One last thing. Everyone who can, please pray for my brother David and his family. He leaves for Iraq next month. He will be gone for I believe about 5 months. He, they, could use the prayers starting now because the mentally preparing is just as hard as the actual going. He will be leaving his wife and 4 little ones behind, but we know that he will be back in no time. Thanks!