Connor is our musical child in the family. When I was pregnant with him I was the Sacrament Meeting chorister. I would stand in front of the organ and as soon as the music would start, he would start squirming around. I knew then he would be a music lover. I was right.
He was singing in the bathroom this morning. I grabbed the camera and had him sing for me. Like a moron, I tipped the camera for the first one. So, I had him re-sing "I Love to See the Temple" so that it's right side up. I'll include both cause they are so cute. This is his newest favorite song. They are learning it in Primary right now.
Then he sang his other two favorite songs. "Reverently, Quietly" and "So This is Love". I started singing "So This is Love" to him when he was first born. I've sung it, along with the other songs he sings, every night before he goes to bed.
I've always been a sucker for kinda nerdy guys. My husband is a brilliant man. Very good brains. (o: I found this clip of one of my very favorite comedies, The Big Bang Theory. I love these guys! Plus, I thought it was funny because I'm the one that puts together all our furniture and entertainment centers, desks etc at our house. Not that Travis is not capable, but I really enjoy doing it and I have a tad more patience for it.