On to the important things. (o: Father's day weekend we had lots of fun. Travis's older brother and his family came up to visit from California. We went to his folks place to bbq and enjoy their company on Saturday. Travis and Jeff ended up playing outside with all the kids while I stayed in and talked to the folks, and Jeff's wife Patty, and also his sister, Tracey. They were outside throwing Nerf balls at each other and the kids and occasionally at me if I got close enough to the sliding door. They all had a lot of fun. I'm not sure who had more fun...the big kids, or the little kids.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Father's Day Weekend
On to the important things. (o: Father's day weekend we had lots of fun. Travis's older brother and his family came up to visit from California. We went to his folks place to bbq and enjoy their company on Saturday. Travis and Jeff ended up playing outside with all the kids while I stayed in and talked to the folks, and Jeff's wife Patty, and also his sister, Tracey. They were outside throwing Nerf balls at each other and the kids and occasionally at me if I got close enough to the sliding door. They all had a lot of fun. I'm not sure who had more fun...the big kids, or the little kids.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day
First and foremost...to my Travee. About 5 years into our marriage I gave Travis the option of opting out of our marriage so he could go find a woman that wasn't told she would never have children. I knew what a great dad he would make and felt so bad that I wasn't giving him that opportunity. He told me no and I was crazy. I'm glad he did, because miracles happen and I am able every day, to watch Travis be that great dad that I knew he would be. I love him more than anything...despite any gooberness that he may have. (o: Thank you, Travis, for giving me four beautiful children, and for being the loving father that you are. You are the love of my life and I can't imagine my life without you.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Stuff Goes On
Here are just a couple of pictures for your enjoyment.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Misc Fun

Sunday, June 7, 2009
In a Mood
It's the middle of the night, I'm tired, but I can't stop coughing cause I have a cold, so what's a girl to do? Why watch (and listen to) her favorite people on youtube of course.
I am going to share a couple of my faves because...1. I can 2. You might enjoy them 3. They will all then be more easily accessible for my listening (and watching) pleasure without having to search for them.
So..here we go. First..Il Divo. I have such a crush on a Swiss man...no wait, an American...no, a Frenchman...a Spaniard?? Ah heck, I'm in love with them all. If anyone is looking for a perfect birthday gift for me...how about a million dollars and Il Divo in my um..living room..for a private concert. (o: **wink**
This song is one of my most faves of theirs because I have the greatest mom in the universe and I'm hoping that some day my kids will say the same thing about me. Love ya mom!!!
And lastly, dedicated to all those people in the world..friends and family...that have touched my life in some way...you raise me up. Here are my female loves...Celtic Woman. (I have Travis in love with them too) (I know, Josh sings this too, but I love the girls' version a tad better~and this concert is my all time fave for them)
So, I hope you will be uplifted in some way by these songs that make me happy. (and now you have a glimpse into what I listen to when I'm not singing the Wheels on the Bus)
OH! I almost forgot. Today I woke up, looked in the mirror and nearly burst into tears because my hair is soooo thin on top right now. So...I pulled out the scissors and...CHOP! Here are a couple of pictures of what I did to myself. (I know Rachael could have done a million times better, but I was desperate!) (and dressed in my skivvies)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009