Friday night, my friend from high school, Sage Browne, and her boyfriend, Don, came to visit from the Boston area. Sage had a thing down in Portland, so since they were on our coast, they drove up and visited. It didn't go at all how I had hoped it would. I had all these plans to go to the Kubota Gardens with them and do fun stuff...but Elizabeth was sooo sick. So, Friday night they came and I fixed dinner and we just hung out and the kids showed off and acted crazy and scared poor Sage and Don to the point that I'm pretty sure they've decided never to have children. They also stopped by Saturday night and had ice cream and just visited for a couple of hours. The worst part of all that was that Friday and Saturday I was more tired than I can ever remember being. I was so exhausted. (babies with sore throats, ear aches, and fevers only sleep a few minutes at a time) There were so many 'awkward silences' cause it took everything in me to come up with the little conversation that we did have. Now that I'm rested I am thinking of a million questions that I have for both of them. Don is a very nice guy. He seems very interesting and I'm sure I would be a much more engaging hostess had I gotten more than an hour of sleep (not an exaggeration)each night. was really great to see her and meet Don. She seems happy and that makes me happy.
Saturday Travis had to work. He closed, so we took advantage of having him with us the first half of the day. His folks really wanted to go to Denny's for breakfast, so that's what we did. The kids got cool alien cups and we all had a great time. Then we went to his parents house and did a few smokeballs and pop-its and cooked some hot dogs on the grill. After Travis left I let them run through the sprinkler for an hour and then we made smores. They were exhausted that night, but it was great.
Here are a few pictures from this weekend.

And that's it for now folks. Sunday we went to church, Travis worked that night, and me and the kids hung out and watched cartoons and camped on the living room floor. Just for fun.
Sorry about your sick baby! What a bummer.
I'm so sorry to hear that Lizbet was sick! I hope she is feeling much better now! Kiss her and the boys for me. How is Travis doing at his job, still loves it?
take care
love you mostest
Sage and Don are SOOOO cute together! And no worries about scaring Sage - I think I told her WAY too much info about pregnancy and put her off having kids of her own! So I'll take the blame on that one!
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