Last night I was up for two hours timing contractions. Not the most admirable contractions, but they did hurt a bit. They were all over the place and eventually I just had a little voice whisper in my head, go to bed, they aren't going to get any worse. I went to bed...they didn't get any worse. They actually went away. Then, this morning Connor woke up with a terrible cough and said his ear was hurting. I ran in and took a shower and again, the little voice told me...nothing will happen with this baby today. You have other things to take care of first. I felt very much at peace. We went to the doctor and did the non-stress test. Elizabeth performed beautifully and the doctor was very pleased that my blood pressure was down even more. He told me to come back on Monday, do another
NST and
bp check and if all looks good, we would schedule an induction. So, the good news is, baby and I are in pretty good health (and Dr. Lawrence panicked too much on Monday in my opinion), and I WILL have this baby by the end of next week NO LATER!!!! Of course he told me that anytime I wanted to go on my own he would be very happy. Duh, so would I. (o: This whole not having any idea about when she's coming is driving us NUTS! Especially when the doctor keeps saying, "Maybe in two days you will have her." over and over again. Oh well, she will eventually be born. Don't know any women that stayed pregnant forever. I do have to give a big shout out to my mother-in-law, who came over on Tuesday to be here in case I got sent to the hospital on Wednesday or Friday. The kids LOVED having Grandma here. They played a lot of games~especially Battleship, and I had a grown up female to help me organize baby clothes with. I sent her home for a couple of days to take care of Travis's dad and take a break since I don't go in again until Monday afternoon. They are, of course, "on call" this weekend, but I'm sure his Mom will appreciate a little break. It's sure great having her here. I'm grateful that I have a mom-in-law that I get along with, because my mom is
soo far away. (Oh, but my mommy WILL be here on February 2
nd. I can't wait!)
As far as Connor goes...I followed my promptings and took him to the doctor this afternoon. He didn't have an ear infection. As a matter of fact, the doctor said his ears were "pristine". He was impressed at how healthy Connor has been and commended me for taking such good care of my son. (I was thinking...
awww shucks, go on! And then the thought occurred to me~what do you expect me to do~ignore him and let him starve or something?) (Can you tell this pregnancy thing is making me a tad irritable?) Anyway, it looks like he may be developing some allergies. It HASN'T rained for quite a while here (yes, in Seattle~and we MISS the rain!). It's been very foggy and smoggy. Doc thinks Connor is showing sensitivity to all of this. He gave us a couple weeks of
Children's Zyrtec and said to watch him and his symptoms. I'm glad I took him in because he's been waking up so stuffy the past few weeks. Plus, I now have some peace of mind that he isn't sick.
Anyway, that's about it for now. I'm going to go and copy next weeks Language Arts and Math worksheets for school. I'm on a kind of modified
bed rest I guess. He told me to stay down and rest as much as possible, but understands that I have three children to take care of. Travis has been a great help and to anyone from Kohl's who is reading this...THANK YOU for being so kind and willing to be flexible during all of this. We are blessed to have so many kind friends and co-workers.