Last night we had a Family Home Evening all about the Priesthood and blessings. The boys have seen their Daddy giving blessings, but none of them have needed one for a really long time, so we wanted to talk about what they were and why they were given.
After our talk, we pulled out a chair and Joseph sat down for his first before school blessing. He and Spencer folded their arms and were very reverent throughout the entire blessing. Connor, on the other hand, got very busy pulling a chair up next to Joseph and then gathering all of his blankets and sitting next to Joseph and pretending that he was praying too. A bit of a distraction, but cute. Then it was Spencers turn. He wasn't sure at first if he wanted to do it, but with a little encouragement from Joseph, he decided it would be cool. Again, Connor pretended to pray along with his Dad. Then we decided to let Connor have a turn. He sat in the chair with his blankets, but as soon as Travis started, Connor started wiggling and he dropped his blanket and... it wasn't ideal. Needless to say though, it was a good experience and I'm glad we did it.
The other night Travis and I were reading a section on the Priesthood in our "Armor" book. I had a cool thought. In less than 10 years, there will be a whole lot of Priesthood in our house! That just gives me goosebumps to think of.
Well, I'm off to start our first day of school. Spencer is still asleep, so we'll probably start a little later than I had originally planned, but that's the beauty of homeschooling! We are going to ease into things. I have short days planned for this week. Next week we will begin to spend more time sitting and working. So, wish me luck! I'll report back later with the results. (o: