Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Just a real quick update on Connor. His x-rays and bloodwork all came back normal, so we are now going to start looking into either a food allergy or a sensitivity. No one in our family has any serious food allergies that I know of. Well, strike that, David is lactose intolerant. Doesn't that make him toot alot? (o: Seriously though, that was one of the few that the doc was pretty sure he didn't have. Probably something more intricate like sensitivity to processed foods or additives. Yippee! We'll start sounding like the Jones family, eh Shauna? (o:

That's it for now. I don't have to work tonight. It's a strange week. I only have to work Wednesday. Next week it's four days though, so it gets made up in the end.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Join the Jones Freaky-Allergies Club! We're happy to have company. You know what they say about misery loving it and all. :) It's good that his blood work was normal. Not so good if it's allergies though. Those stink. I have a really good bread recipe if you find yourself in the market. :) Take care.