Friday, November 28, 2008
Turkey Day
That's about all I have to report. We have a lot to be grateful for this year. Things have been tight for us lately, but I look at my family, especially my sweet little boys, and can't believe how lucky I am. Not to mention every time I feel the baby girl squirming around. She can be pretty active. (I keep asking if we can just skip Christmas this year and go straight to the end of January!) Thank you to all who love and care about our family. We are very lucky to have so many people to love in our lives. Hope you all had a great day.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Okay, gonna go and clean out my fridge cause that's a change that I WANT to have happen. I'm sure the blog thing will grow on me. Just in time for me to have to change it when snowmen are no longer the correct season
A Week?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Bert, Pictures, and Shots

Okay, I feel better. Now, on to doctor news. Joseph and Connor had their physicals today. Spencer went along so that he could enjoy a flu shot along with his brothers. Connor is very healthy and looks pretty perfect. He's in the 92% for height and weight. He's the size of a 5 1/2 year old and he's just 4, but that is pretty normal for our kids. The kidney doctor he has gone to for his whole life just retired, so our doctor gave us a recommendation of a new doctor we could go to, but they think that he is doing just fine. So, we will schedule one last ultrasound (we hope) for his kidneys and then call him 100% perfect! (except that he can be a turd once in a while)
Joseph was in the 55% for both height and weight. He's evened out a lot the last couple of years. He's more in the normal size range instead of being at the top of the curve. He was also quite healthy. The doctor wants to do x-rays on his back next year to see just exactly what is missing. They say he's missing one vertebrae, but the gap seems big, so we will have him checked. Doctor reiterated that sports needed to be limited to running and swimming. I also asked about Joseph's feet. They kind of turn in a bit. He said some people just have feet like that. Oddly enough, fast runners have feet that turn in. So, maybe this will be of benefit to him, since running is going to probably be his sport. (o:
All three boys got flu shots (thanks a lot mommy!), and Connor got 4 others. They were all brave and got treats from the treasure box when they were done.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Mostly For Me!
This Weekend

Anyway, we went in there and the boys got to see some trains. Then, since we had time left on our meter, we just walked around a couple of the city blocks, looking into windows of the shops. It was so funny to watch people watch us. Here in Liberal Wacko Seattle, the people acted totally shocked at our "gigantic" family. Three boys and a pregnant mom! We are going to burn! (at least that's what the Seattle people think) Then we got in the car and drove around, looking at the city in the dark. (cause by this time it was 4:30pm and the sun had gone down.) The city is so pretty at night!
Oh, and we took a family picture in front of our beloved (but sucky this year) Seahawks Stadium. (It's called Qwest Field)
After our trip to Seattle, we came home for a nice relaxing evening together.
Sunday was Travis's mom's birthday. It was also the Primary Program at church. Travis's folks came to watch the boys sing and say their parts. It was a really nice program. The boys did great. Connor was the first little one to speak. His teacher told him what to say and he got right up there and said he line, holding onto the microphone and speaking as clear as mud. (Travis said he was speaking in tongues) But, he got up in front of, what? 200 people? and didn't hesitate at all. Spencer got up, read his line loudly, and then added a nice loud "really!" to the end. He's the only kid that got a laugh from the congregation. (don't know if that's good or not) Joseph was towards the end. He walked up by himself because he was the only one in his class that spoke. He read his part, paused, looked at his dad and grandparents, gave them a grin and a thumbs up and then went back to his seat. It was pretty cute.
Speaking of cute...Connor, instead of singing the songs that he knows and loves, was busy most of the time trying to conduct the music to the congregation. We said it's a good thing he's cute cause otherwise, he's just a little turd!
After church we had dinner at our house to celebrate Mom Nelson's birthday. They stayed for a while and we had a great time visiting.
So far this morning I have already gone up to one of our local Elementary Schools and judged some art that is in the Reflections contest. One of our friends is on the PTA for that school and she called and asked if I could help judge. It was actually kind of hard, because I could see the effort that the kids all put into each piece. But it was a fun little thing to do.
I am now getting ready to go and teach the boys all about Squanto and do some spelling. Tomorrow Joseph and Connor have their annual checkups, so I'll fill you all in on how they came out tomorrow.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Baby Check-up
He determines that she will be more of a 7 pounder, which makes me happy cause Connor was lots easier to have than the other two. A pound makes a difference.
Anyway, there is the most recent update. I'm gonna go and fix the kids some dinner and do laundry now cause if I pause for more than a day on laundry...I'm sunk!
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008
I thought of something funny
Today we did a dry run for the Primary program that the kids will be doing next Sunday in Sacrament meeting. Saturday they are going to have a dress rehearsal of sorts in the chapel, but today it was in the Primary room. The kids didn't like having to sit still and sing the same songs over and over for two hours, but they did a pretty good job. I was so proud of Joseph and Spencer for getting up and reading their parts. They read very well. Connor did a good job repeating his lines as his teacher gave them to him. I can't wait to see how they are when they have the microphone and an audience. I know they will be okay, because my boys are very rarely shy. Plus, I am hoping that Grandma and Grandpa Nelson will be there. I'm more worried about them showing off than being shy. (o: So, anyone who wants to come is invited. I know you are all buying your plane tickets right now.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Not Much~Again
I'll fill you all in when something exciting happens. (o: