Okay, I feel better. Now, on to doctor news. Joseph and Connor had their physicals today. Spencer went along so that he could enjoy a flu shot along with his brothers. Connor is very healthy and looks pretty perfect. He's in the 92% for height and weight. He's the size of a 5 1/2 year old and he's just 4, but that is pretty normal for our kids. The kidney doctor he has gone to for his whole life just retired, so our doctor gave us a recommendation of a new doctor we could go to, but they think that he is doing just fine. So, we will schedule one last ultrasound (we hope) for his kidneys and then call him 100% perfect! (except that he can be a turd once in a while)
Joseph was in the 55% for both height and weight. He's evened out a lot the last couple of years. He's more in the normal size range instead of being at the top of the curve. He was also quite healthy. The doctor wants to do x-rays on his back next year to see just exactly what is missing. They say he's missing one vertebrae, but the gap seems big, so we will have him checked. Doctor reiterated that sports needed to be limited to running and swimming. I also asked about Joseph's feet. They kind of turn in a bit. He said some people just have feet like that. Oddly enough, fast runners have feet that turn in. So, maybe this will be of benefit to him, since running is going to probably be his sport. (o:
All three boys got flu shots (thanks a lot mommy!), and Connor got 4 others. They were all brave and got treats from the treasure box when they were done.
Ooo! Ooooo! I'll trade you your guinea pig for my psycho dog! Deal? I think it's a totally fair trade. Trust me. No, really, trust me!
Oh no! I would be so upset! Poor piggie though, they don't have the biggest brains! But I love the picture, you two are so cute together and look so in love!!!!!
sorry kids, but those pigs remind me of rats and you know how much grandma teese loves rats!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT!
love you most
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