Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cousins and the Garden

Okay, first of all, may I say that I feel a tad guilty about what I said about Michael Jackson. He did get kind of weird at the end, but after watching some of his old videos that brought me back to my childhood, and then reading about how sad and lonely his life has been, I have changed my tune just a bit. It is too bad that he died, but after all that I read, it may have been a blessing for him. He seemed to be wasting away to nothing.
Now, what I'm really sad about is Billy Mays dying! We loved his show Pitchmen! Even the kids. Joseph just saw this picture and said, "Hey, it's the guy from Pitchmen!" He was one of those true American stories. Worked hard starting at the bottom and became rich and famous. Now, at 50, he's gone. It's just sad.
Anyway...enough about dead celebrities. Here are a few new pictures for your enjoyment. My sister, Bobbie, had her third baby yesterday. A girl named Annie Lynn. I will post more about her as soon as they get on the stick and get me some pictures. (o:
Travis's brother Jeff and his family came by the other day before heading back to California. We lined the kid up for a cousin picture. Olivia is the blond in the front and Amelia is the other one. (o: They are good girls. Growing up so fast! Wish they lived closer. Olivia is 11. She's almost at the age that she could babysit. I really wish she lived closer. (especially since the current charge is $8 an hour for a babysitter now)
The other day we were over at Travis's parents house. We did a little garden weeding and watering and then picked all the peas that were ready. YUMMY! They didn't get cooked. We just brought them home and snacked on them raw. Kids loved them!
Elizabeth with our bounty. Joseph took this picture. I pulled a couple of carrots to thin them out so if you look closely, you can see the tiny carrots. He was concerned that we not leave the carrots out of the picture.
One little sweet pea posing with the peas.
I just thought this was a cute picture of our little girl in her little sister shirt.
Baby girl loves to chew on her big toe. Her feet are such a great new find!


Rachael said...

It's crazy how many young celebrities are dying lately. I have mixed feelings about Michael Jackson too. He was definitely weird and creepy but he was pretty awesome early in his life.

Elizabeth looks darling as always. I love her little sister shirt. That's so cute!

Amy said...

Hi! I was strolling through your blog enjoying your cute stories and had to stop and comment... I LOVE this little shirt! Our daughter came at last after 3 boys and I'm having so much fun with her! I would love to know where you got the shirt! My blog is Thanks!

BTW... your little girl is DANG cute!