Saturday, March 29, 2008
SNOW!!! and Dollar Tree
To make up for it even more we also went to a Dollar Tree. They each got to choose 2 items. Connor chose balls and Joseph and Spencer chose craft items that they could use to make stoplights and car washes. (ie foam sheets, straws, popsicle sticks) This was Travis's first visit to a Dollar Tree. It was fun to watch his eyes. It's the same for everyone. (you walk in, eyes glaze over and you suddenly need everything you see.) He ended up getting packing tape, pencils, and super glue~all items needed to help make brushes for tiny car washes. (he makes the best!)
We came home and made several car washes. (I'll include photos sometime soon) Travis and I then read and enjoyed the rest of our quiet evening. (quiet because they were all in the playroom watching "The Muppets Take Manhatten" and playing car wash. Life turned out to be pretty good after all. (I still hate Seattle drivers in the snow!!!)
This is just a cute picture I took of Connor while we were in the car.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008
The Library
We spent Saturday out looking at the last of the Brown Bear car washes in our entire half of the state I think. (o: The boys talked to some of the workers and got some video of one of the washes working. Joseph loves to ask questions and I think the workers enjoy answering them because he is so enthusiastic and makes them feel like they have the greatest jobs in the universe! The boys always get Brown Bear antenna ball things and air fresheners and even a color book when they go and talk to the people. I'm very proud of them for not being afraid to ask questions and learn. It's fun to make appointements with our kids to do fun things with them, even if it seems like the same old stuff. Joseph is already making plans for our next joint day off, which is Thursday. I'm sure it will have to do with car washes again, but I'll keep you posted! (o:
Sunday was a pretty quiet day. We went to church. My primary class was in charge of Sharing time. It went ok, but I'm glad it is done. Don't have to do another one until August. Not that I'm intimidated by doing it or anything, but when you have to teach and entertain a room full of 8-12 year olds during the last 20 minutes of a 3 hour church day, it is a challenge. Like I said, it went okay and I'm glad I'm done for a while. (o: Travis went home teaching and we read All the Presidents Men for a while. Pretty exciting, eh? It was really nice to have a quiet and relaxing day because Travis is back to work today and I have to work 3 days this week. Back to the old grind. (o:
Oh, and for all of those who have asked. My parents and Nate and Jamie are all fine. They did not get the tornado in their area. It kind of went between them I think because Jamie lives an hour south of mom and dad. My parents are north of Atlanta. I watched the news and they made no mention of anything happening near my family, so I didn't give it too much thought, but then I started getting people asking how my folks were and I realized I hadn't heard from them, so I contacted mom who said it was very scary weather where they were, but all was well.
Also, my brother that is in that place faraway being all brave and stuff~he is doing just fine. Please keep his wife and kids in your thoughts and prayers though. Things are really rough on them without David including the fact that they had to say goodbye to their sweet dog, Roze who they have had since they were first married. We love you guys!!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Liver Dogs and Binoculars
That's all I have for that day. Yesterday we did the usual drive to Seattle, but we drove a different way getting there. The boys really love just riding in the car. We got them a burger from Dicks Drive-In(YUM!), and they got a little gulp from a 7-11(a huge thrill!!). Travis and I read together for a while and we called it a good day. (o: Today I think we might go visit the Covington library. They spent 4 months remodeling it and I hear it's fabulous. The boys are super stoked to see it, so if we go, I'll give a report. Until then...have a super day!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The Clean Gene
In other news~much more cheerful (sorry that I was kinda whiny up there), Grandma came over to stay. Travis's mom used to come over and spend one night a week with a us. A little mini-vacation of sorts I suppose. She had surgery last month, though and hasn't been able to come over. Plus, my work schedule has been as such that we have had a hard time coordinating dates. But this week we worked it out and grandma got to come over. The boys took her in the playroom and we didn't see them for almost 2 hours. They talked her ear off and showed her things they had made and just couldn't get enough of her. I fear for my parents when they come to visit. It's only been a couple of months with Grandma Deone, it's been 3 years with my parents! (o: Needless to say that we had a great time with her. Yesterday we took her to our new favorite place in the universe~Dollar Tree. Good old dollar store. I had to pick up some stuff for Travis for Kohl's, so we all went and I'm afraid that mom is now hooked like we are. She didn't have anything to buy when she went in, but in about one second of walking through the doors, she realized she needed so many things that she filled her cart. I told you there is a spell about that place!
Okay, so enough for today. When I sat down I thought I didn't have anything to say. Hey~everyone who knows me~STOP LAUGHING at that statement. (o: Have a super fabulous day!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Toilets and Car Washes
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Remember This Song?
Our boys have found that they love The Muppets! They now have the first two season's of the Muppet Show on dvd, so we checked them both out from the library. The boys immediately fell in love with this song. Travis and I have been walking down memory lane for days now. Just the beginning drumroll sends us back a lot of years. (o: It's fun to share this with the boys. BUT~we are really starting to feel old!
Connor (SOS)
Oh, and a very cute thing he said this morning. I was cleaning a big old piece of earwax out of his ear. I joke with the boys that they have bees and ants living in their ears because there is so much wax and dirt in there. So, I pulled the wax out and Connor said, "What's that?" I said, "Bees wax." and he said, "The bees put a booger in my ear!" He was so serious and cute! Makes the SOS not so bad. (o: