Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Yah, yah, I know. I'm taking forever with the Easter pictures. Here are some of Saturday when they colored the eggs and of Sunday morning when they found the eggs and baskets the good old over worked bunny left them. Even Fluffy got a special treat. (o: I worked the night before and so we were pretty tired come Easter morning. I am afraid I didn't have the presence of mind to take a picture of the boys before we left for church, but they had the same cuteness that they have every Sunday before church. After church we went to Travis's parents house and had a nice dinner and even took the boys for a quick ride in the PT Cruiser. Spencer said that he had a great time at Grandma's house times a billion! That's a pretty good day!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I am glad I am not the only one that did not get pictures of the kids all dressed up and ready to go to church! Even with my mom here, we did not remember. I did not even get one of my mom with all the kids! duh! Part of beeing a single parent and haivng my brain on over load. Love you guys!