~that's why they were in Seattle) Our friend, Jim, was the ring leader in the whole thing. But, Friday night we get a call that Jim has thrown out his back and do we want his two tickets. Of course we grabbed them up! So, instead of Travis going with a bunch of guys, he went with two of his own little guys. He took Joseph and Spencer and they had a blast! It was a really great experience for the boys to be with their dad and go to Seahawk Stadium. Their only request was they wanted a hot dog. It cost $22 to buy 3 hot dogs and 2 drinks!!! But, it was worth it for them. So, here are a couple of pictures of them at the game. Oh, and the top picture is of them on one of the many pigs that we have all over Seattle. They are all painted differently. This one in front of Qwest Field is called, "the Pigskin"!!! Get it? I love it! (by the way~WSU got their butts kicked! Then later UW got their butts kicked. GOOO Washington football!~See why we love our Hawks?)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The WSU Game
~that's why they were in Seattle) Our friend, Jim, was the ring leader in the whole thing. But, Friday night we get a call that Jim has thrown out his back and do we want his two tickets. Of course we grabbed them up! So, instead of Travis going with a bunch of guys, he went with two of his own little guys. He took Joseph and Spencer and they had a blast! It was a really great experience for the boys to be with their dad and go to Seahawk Stadium. Their only request was they wanted a hot dog. It cost $22 to buy 3 hot dogs and 2 drinks!!! But, it was worth it for them. So, here are a couple of pictures of them at the game. Oh, and the top picture is of them on one of the many pigs that we have all over Seattle. They are all painted differently. This one in front of Qwest Field is called, "the Pigskin"!!! Get it? I love it! (by the way~WSU got their butts kicked! Then later UW got their butts kicked. GOOO Washington football!~See why we love our Hawks?)
Friday, August 29, 2008
Binoculars and Blogs

So, with the summer closing out and the boys earning their end of summer rewards, and my previous post stressing about school, I guess this means it's almost time for school. (o: I am almost ready. It's exciting now that I am more prepared. But, since I don't want to bore you all with the nitty gritty details of my homeschool life, I followed Shauna Jones (dang it!I typed Sorensen and had to backspace it. sorry Mike) advice and started my own homeschool blog. So, if you are ever interested in the specific details of school life, visit our new blog nelsonboysacademy.blogspot.com. It's also in my list of blogs on the right side, so you can just click on that.
Okay, well, it's now time to go and break out the scissors. I have three pumpkin head boys with Grandma Teese sized bouffants waiting to be cut. (love ya mom!)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Getting ready for school
So, with all my planning, I haven't really been thinking of much of anything else. I've been rearranging furniture and reorganizing books and supplies. The bedrooms are shameful because I haven't gone near them for quite a while. Not that anyone sees the bedrooms besides us, but my mom would have a coronary if she saw them. (o: Still, this is a good distraction for me because otherwise I would be sitting around counting down the minutes until September 16th arrives and we find out if we need pink or blue in the crib.
Okay, time to get back to work. Hope all is well with all of you. I'm still thinking about the separate homeschool blog that Shauna suggested I should do. (I should never have admired hers!~but it is so cool!) We shall see. Until then...ciao!
Friday, August 22, 2008

That would be Joseph. And it links to my blog! Then, under that are pictures of Travis from my Brown Bear blog writings from last winter! I told Joseph that he was famous. Now when anyone in the world searches images in Google for BB car wash his picture is right there! Sorry, I thought it was kinda cool. (o: (then again, I didn't get home from work until 4am and got up w/Connor at 6:30-so I'm a tad loopy)
Anyway, on to my story. Yesterday was a day off for Travis. We like to do things with the kids on the weekdays when he is off. Weekends we hang out at home more, but the weekdays we like to go out. I had said that maybe we could do something that didn't involve car washes this week since the people at the one in Seattle know us very well we go so often. (and we've actually only washed our car there once!~well, twice now, but I'm getting ahead of myself) Travis gets on the computer and is reading the papers when he pulls up the Seattle P.I. Right there on the first page is an announcement that Brown Bear is giving free car washes in all of their Seattle area locations all day in honor of their 50 birthday! Ok, we have to go and get a free car wash! So, we load the kids up and head out. We told Joseph that we would go to two car washes for a special treat! We did one in Kent and then headed over to Renton and tried out one that we've been eye-balling for a while. Then we thought, it's early in the day and we have to stop by the folks place to pick up forgotten sunglasses, why not try out the wash in Issaquah. Never been there before. So, we did just that. That would make #3. I look at Travis and say, "It doesn't seem right that we haven't gone to see Daniel yet."
This is Daniel. He's the wipe down guy at our favorite Brown Bear in Seattle. They have windows all along the car wash that we can go in and watch hours of cars being cleaned! The guys there have really gotten to know us. Joseph was ecstatic when we said we would go see if Daniel was working. When we got there and got in line, the guys all started pointing to us and saying, "Hey! Family!" It was cool. And Daniel did wipe down our car. He is the only one that got a tip. (they weren't accepting tips at any of the locations, but we couldn't not give our Daniel a little something something.) (o: (this is wash #4)
Finally, we decided to head home since I had to go to work. We had been out cruising for 4 hours by this time and our car was sparkling. But wait! There's the Brown Bear across from Sams Club on our way home. We just have to go to that one too. They were giving out free bear fresheners!
I mean, come on~free bear fresheners to make the whole house smell fabulous!! We gotta go get some! (I have a lovely little tree in my car that has a very non-obnoxious smell. The bears are obnoxious and aren't allowed in the car anymore, so they are in the boys rooms now) Needless to say we went through car wash #5!!!! I don't know anyone else in the world that has had their car washed 5 times in one day, but it was a huge thrill for the boys and Travis and I actually had fun too. We learned that not all BB's are created equal. The one in Issaquah is really long, the one in Seattle uses more soap. The thing we did find, though, is that there isn't a mean or rotten worker at any of the BB's. They are all really nice.
So, that was our Thursday adventure with good old Brown Bear Car Wash. And in case you were wondering, BB's are locally owned in the Northwest by a family who is probably very very rich by now. I know you are all really jealous of our family and probably pretty jealous of our little old car that is now very very clean. ~on the outside. (o:
Monday, August 18, 2008
So, yes, we are definitely aging but my mom will always be older than me. (o; And yes, I did have a big poofy dress, but I love it. (I'll never be one of those women who sell their wedding gown on e-bay!) Oh, and by the way. Saturday we didn't go out because Connor threw up all day with his mystery puking that he does for no reason. So, after church we totally broke the Sabbath (sorry Dad) and dumped the kids at Grandma's and went to Jimmy Mac's for our annual date. (seriously, we go on maybe 2 dates a year) It was great fun and after an hour we both wanted to go home because we missed our stinking kids too much! We are a sad couple of people. (o:
Thanks to all the well wishers and everyone have a super duper week!
Friday, August 15, 2008
14 Years!

Monday, August 11, 2008
Chicka Chicka Mania
Friday, August 8, 2008
Did you Know...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Can't think of a snazzy title
I first read this charming little alphabet story when I was a peon teaching aid at the Child Labs at Ricks College. The head teacher did a whole week lessons based on this book. It was awesome, so I bought a hard back copy. Then, when I was teaching Preschool at KinderCare I got a paperback copy because I didn't want my nicer one ruined. Then after Joseph was born, I found this cute little board book version on clearance so I bought that. I read it to Joseph and Spencer when they were little. They liked it and we had it pretty much memorized. I remember Travis telling me one day that all he could think of was, "skit skat skoodle doot, flip flop flee" all day. It kinda sticks. But after a couple of weeks of reading, they moved on. Now we have Connor. He managed to dig up all three copies of this book. He carries them everywhere including bed. He makes me read all three copies before he is satisfied. I tell him he needs to read it himself, and he can recite the whole book. When I am too busy and can't read it to him, he goes to Joseph and begs Joseph until he gets it read to him at least once. This happens several times a day. It's really cute, but kinda annoying at the same time. At least he knows his alphabet really well!
So, if you haven't read the book, I highly recommend it, but please do so with caution. This book can be addictive to young children.
That's all I have to say at the moment. It's just too darn hot in this little room. And, as I have mentioned before, in Seattle, we practically see through white skinned Seattle people don't do well with the heat. So bye for now and have a fabulous day!
Monday, August 4, 2008
How Old is Too Old?

Just kidding. That's not my hand. It's the wrong finger anyway, but can I just say that I now have a new respect for those gangsters of the Yakuza who would cut off parts of their fingers when they dishonored their leader. He bit my middle finger so hard that I screamed. I'm sure the neighbors thought I was getting murdered. Then I cried. Partly because it hurt-a lot-and partly because I'm an extremely emotionally hormonal pregnant person at the moment. All I know is that as soon as he did it, he knew he was in for it. Then when he heard my howl and saw the blood he really knew he was done for. He went straight to his room after apologizing to no avail. Once I got a band-aid on, I went to his room and boxed up his favorite dogs. No more Lucky, Penny, Baby Doggie, Husky Dog, and Mommy and Daddy Doggie. He was howling at this point as well, because this is the biggest punishment of all. Those dogs go everywhere he goes.
So, now the final consensus is that he has to prove that he can be respectful to me like he is to his dad and then he gets his dogs back. I think he's lucky that his dad wasn't here (he's at work), cause he would have been sent to Jupiter compliments of daddy's boot. He was mortified when I texted Travis the whole story. Anyway, this has turned into a very long story, but I'm just very upset that my little boy has begun turning into one of those mouthy little turds like the one ones that I teach (and love very much) in Primary. I have four 10 year old boys in my class and boy can they be turkeys. I'm not ready for that yet. Joseph has checked on me a few times tonight and he asked me if this was going to be washed away when he gets baptized next month. I told him yes, and that he should really start working on becoming more respectful because next month he will have reached the age of accountability and he's going to need to be responsible for his actions.
All in all I think we all learned a lesson. Joseph's going to try harder to be nicer mouthed child and I'm going to invest in some bricks of Lifebuoy soap!