Wednesday, July 30, 2008
As I have been in this very quiet apartment, cleaning up, I have been thinking about my family and how happy I am to have them. Lately I have been reading some very sad blogs of families who have lost their little children and hearing about that Professor who finally succumbed to cancer and left his family behind. I just can't thank Heavenly Father enough for what I have been blessed with. Sometimes I get so lost in the fact that we have no money, or Kohl's hasn't promoted Travis, or my place is such a big mess, I forget what the most important things are in my life. I am married to a man that I love with all my heart. He is everything to me. And to top it all off, I have 3 little boys that bring me so much joy. Children that at one time I was told I would not be able to have. Not to mention a 4th coming to join the brood. How lucky am I? How blessed I have been.
That's all I have to say. I'm grateful for a husband who is willing to be helpful by taking away some of my "burdens". By burdens I mean cute little boys that become a distraction. I am most grateful that they will be coming back in a couple of hours and I will have gotten work accomplished.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Covington Days!
I think it was a lot of fun. It was very tiring. They boys are exhausted, (so is Mommy), but very worth it to me. They got to not only have fun but be a part of the community. They interacted pretty well with the people and even remembered their manners and said excuse me when they wandered aimlessly in front of people.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Movie Fun
Monday, July 21, 2008
I know, I know...
I would also like to point out that I am now in the 100's (okay, 198, but still..) for days before we meet the newest Nelson. Only about 50 days before we find out if we need pink or blue. Cool, huh?
Okay, later peeps. I promise!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Pictures and Videos
Here are a few videos and pictures of the past couple of days. The two videos are of Travis finally getting the army parachuter down out of the tree. We got three of these fireworks that shoot out these parachuters. Well, it was very windy, so all three got blown away. This one was at least still in the yard. Travis spent a lot of time throwing things at it on the 4th, trying to knock it out, but it just wouldn't go. Yesterday we were over at his folks and he had this idea of making a very very long stick to get it. He and the boys went out to the woods and got some sticks. Then he used a roll of duct tape and taped them all together. Here is video of the end result. (o:
Monday, July 14, 2008
A Little of This and That
Connor fell on his bottom. He begins to cry. The loving mommy that I am hugs him and then says...
"Let me see your bum. Oh no! You broke it! Now it has a crack in it!!!" (yes, I know. Totally immature and too old of a joke for a 3 year old, but I couldn't resist~plus it made his oldest brother laugh)
Connor feels his behind and then really starts to cry. He walked all over the house for an hour crying and telling anyone who would listen...
"My bum got cracked!"
I just asked him if his bum was still cracked. He felt his behind and said, " I think it's all better."
In other news, we have begun to study insects. I think that's a pretty good subject to study during the summer. We have a little bug house that we leave at Grandma Deone's. They love catching roly poly bugs and putting them in the house to watch. So, we began with discussing the basic parts of insects (head, thorax, abdomen, 6 legs). We watched a Magic Schoolbus called "Bugs, Bugs, Bugs" and then did a fun little beehive/bee craft thing.

Anyway. I think that's all I'm gonna get in for now. Travis is at work tonight and the boys are bugging me to feed them. The nerve! I just saw them snacking on~I kid you not~bread and water 10 minutes ago. (o:
Friday, July 11, 2008
Yes, Another Nelson
BUT~due to some requests, I am going to post my first ultrasound picture of our latest addition. I went to the doctor yesterday. I'm 10 weeks along and feeling fine.(well, actually, I have felt pretty crappy the last 5 weeks, but it's all part of the experience~at least I don't have the Shauna Jones sickness~right Shauna?) The baby is the proper size so far and its heartbeat was right on. The part that got to my heart the most was to see two little arms waving around like the kid was doing the backstroke. How can anyone question that this is a little life? I admit, I got a little gushy seeing that.
Anyway, here is the photo. I'm due February 5th, but I will be having it in January because I refuse to go over and have an 11 pound baby like Travis was. (o: I went ahead and labeled the parts so you can at least pretend to know what you are looking at. My mom-in-law says you can really tell what you are looking at from a distance. Oh, and before you ask, because it's the #1 question that we get all the time~yes, it would be nice if it were a girl, but Travis and I are just hoping for a healthy baby. We get boys and what makes them tick, so another boy would be just fine with us. A girl would be fun too. Our boys are very determined to have a sister named Elizabeth Rose (which is the name we picked out 14 years ago when we first got married). They really really want a girl. We will find this out in September.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Big Trip to Denny's!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Independence Day Bash!
Joseph has extreme sound sensitivity (he can even get a migraine from too much noise), so like last year, he wore the headphones. This is his "directors chair".
Before Spencer got sick, he loved the Morning Glories.
Connor loved the bees. He kept taking them to Travis asking him to light them.
We even roasted marshmallows and made s'mores. Yum!
This is pretty funny. This is the dance that Connor did after all the Ground Bloom Flowers.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Thunder Rolls!
Anyway, I guess I mostly just wanted to document it so that I can have a reference for the future. I remember being a little girl in Idaho and praying that our house wouldn't get hit by the lightning, but then loving the storm. The best storms were when we lived in St. Louis. I had a window seat in my room and I would snuggle up on the window seat and just watch the rain fall and listen to the thunder. Travis's favorite is when we went to Virginia. It had been sooo hot one day and then this tremendous thunder storm rolls in that night. We sat out on the porch of mom and dad's fancy Civil War house and watched the light show and felt the rain. Good times. It was nice to be reminded of them today. Plus, now the ground will be nice and wet for all the fireworks tomorrow. (o:
So, here's to hoping for a nice 4th of July for us and for everyone else.
Happy 4th of July!!!!!!