Yesterday was what Joseph declared a perfect day. It all started with me going up to Kohl's for an interview. Even though I am recommended by Travis, there is a lot of red tape that they claim I have to go through, so I went and interviewed. It was easy because normally Travis does all the interviewing so he just told me what I was going to be asked. We'll wait to see what my next step is going to be. Hopefully it will be decided soon. We could use the money.
After I came home from the interview, we took the boys (did I mention Travis had the day off?) to the Panda Express. Joseph has wanted to eat there for a long time. We had to wait until payday. So, off we went. We all had some yummy gourmet chinese food. ( Joseph must have thanked us a million times yesterday for taking him there.
After our yummy lunch we went to Carpinito Brother's farm to get our pumpkins. They were the biggest ones I have ever seen there! We decided on one giant one and a sugar pumpkin for each boy. We also got some giant celery (like 2 feet long) for Fluffy as a treat. We came home, painted and carved the pumpkins and baked pumpkin seeds. There are some pictures below of the eventful day.

This family one is crooked because Travis set the camera on a gigantic pumpkin. I love that!

The one on the left is Spencers, and the other is Josephs. (notice Joseph's pumpkin is a slightly green one. He loves green!)

The rainbow pumpkin is Connors. The boys all voted on how they wanted our jack-o-lantern to look this year. Isn't he cute?
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