Yesterday I was making liver and onions cause we love it so much. (not saying that sarcastically either~the kids do like the stuff) I ran out the door for a minute and left Travis in charge. He flipped the meat and headed back to the other room when he heard Connor ask him, "What's that smell? It smells like a yucky toilet!" I had to laugh when he told me that one. Needless to say, the kid ate a big old piece of yucky toilet for dinner that night without complaint! I considered making broccoli because it's their favorite vegetable, but the thought of the smell of liver
and broccoli cooking was even a bit too much for me to handle.
I'm having to give away cookies lately. I just have this incredible urge to bake lately. I made the gingerbread cookies a few days ago, and yesterday I baked pumpkin cookies. My Weight Watchers leader would have a conniption if she knew all the naughty baking I've been doing. But, hey, I'm pregnant, right? I should be able to bake to my little hearts content. Problem is, yesterday Travis came home and said, you have to stop making good and fattening foods! My clothes are getting too small! So, I gave some away last night. Can I say, they are some of the yummiest pumpkin cookies I've ever had. The pumpkin makes them really soft and moist! So, that's the trouble I've been getting into lately.
Lastly, I have a "friend" that I've never even met in person, but talked to on the computer and really like. Her husband and my husband were missionary companions and two peas in pod. They live in Nebraska and have 5 boys! So, she has sons and her husband is just like my husband. We have to get along! Well, she got tagged and tagged people and if I'm the Dawn she meant, then I will do that tag too.
1.My house is always a mess. No matter how much I clean, it always looks very...lived in. It doesn't help that our 4 year old lives for dumping things out. Fill a box with toys, they will all be on the floor five minutes later. So, if you are comfortable in a house that has lots of kid stuff all over you will fit in fine in my place. If you are like my mom and it makes you nervous, just make it a short visit. (o:
2. I've read the Harry Potter Series 8 times. Well, I've only read the last book 6 times and the 6th book 7 times, but books 1-5, yep, 8 times. I just can't get enough of them. They are great to read when I just want to relax. I've done nearly the same thing with Eragon, but not quite. When I come home from work everyone is asleep, but I'm all wound up, so I read to calm my brain. Reading something that is simple and familiar helps relax me. So, I'm sure that there will be a few additions to that number in the future.
3.I love history! I especially enjoy American History and Egypt's history. As I have stated in previous blog entries, Travis and I have been reading about Gettysburg lately. I love Civil War stuff. I wish I had been older and wiser when I lived in Virginia. Right next to Petersburg battlefield and on Fort Lee! I just didn't appreciate the history that I was seeing. Not to mention all the awesome Revolutionary stuff that I lived so close to when we lived in Boston. My parents took us to all of the historical sites they could. I can say I was there, but I wish I could remember it better. Someday we are going to take a US tour and see all that stuff. Retirement? I suppose.
4.I homeschool. I know, that's kind of a "well, duh", but it's a random thought. I love seizing teaching moments with the boys and letting them choose what they are interested in. It makes it so much easier to capture their attention. The best part is when they spit back information to us that we have taught them. Makes it rewarding and worth it!
5.I'm a Weight Watchers fool. I love WW's and have been a member for years. I lost 70 pounds after I had Connor, but then my stupid thyroid started acting up and I started gaining. Then I got knocked up. But I am determined to not gain too much! I vow to go back after Elizabeth is born and hopefully will be armed with some good thyroid meds so I can get back into the real swing of things.
6.I'm addicted to blogs. I have a whole list of blogs, half of whom I have never even met, but I check in on them every day and feel like I've known these people all my life. Kinda creepy, huh? At least I'm not a total hypocrite and have my own blog so that if there are any blog stalkers out there crazy enough to think my blog is interesting, I've made a contribution.
7.My husband and children are my only real hobby. (I know, I really need to get a life) I would do anything for them and that's that. Every once in a while I escape into my own little world of interests, (like Harry Potter or baking), but otherwise I am perfectly happy talking politics and watching football with Travis, watching Curious George with Connor, looking for new and interesting bugs with Joseph, or discussing freeways and stoplights with Spencer. All I ever wanted to be my whole like was a wife and mom. For a few years I thought I wouldn't get to be a mom. I'm glad they were wrong and that I will be the mom of 4!
That's it. Kinda lame, I'm sure, but that's okay. I tag Jamie, Stephanie, Kristina, Bobbie, and Shauna.