Wednesday, May 30, 2007
It's HOT!!!
Speaking of "Mickey"~I don't believe I have ever mentioned the obsession that our family has with that song. The boys love it. They especially love playing it in the car on full blast while they clap and sing along. At first it was really cute how the boys sang along and said "again!again!" and how Joseph sang the chorus over and over while he sat at the table drawing, or hearing Connor sing "hey Mickey...pity...unustand...heart...hand...Hey Mickey!" over and over and over and over. Do you see where I am going here? It was all fun and games in the beginning, but now we are to the point (especially me), if I hear that song many more times, there will be violence of some sort. To the common man on the street, it would seem so adorable. To Travis and I...getting old. But, we know how phases go and pretty soon "Mickey" will be a distant memory and a new song will have taken it's place. (on a side note~Toni Basil came up with this song in honor of a crush that she had on Mickey Dolenz from the Monkees-everyone knows how much I loved the Monkees when I was younger-okay-still do...)
Anyway, yesterday we had a nice day over at Grandma's again. The boys will probably spend a lot of time over there this summer because they were promised a slip 'n slide this year. Grandma has a big fenced in back yard, so that will be lots of fun. Travis repaired their lawn mower and then I mowed their yard while he did the weed whacking. The boys baked cookies with Grandma while we were outside. It was a fun and productive day. Speaking of slip 'n slides~ I remember when we were kids~none of us had lots of money. Well, my best friend Shauna's dad, Leland, got out a great big piece of plastic from their shed and we just put the running hose on one end, placed it on a little hilly part of Grandma Sis's yard, and off we went. I remember we spent all day doing that. It was great fun and it didn't cost $9.97. Actually, this was wider than the original, so it would have been $19.97 cause that's what the double slip 'n slide goes for these days. (o: Happy memories.
Oh, and Travis said he would definitely enjoy a slip 'n slide, so for all of you Kohl's friends out there reading~I will be posting photos of that. (o:
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Memorial Day
Below are some pictures of the ceremony that we went to and also a funny little shot of the boys. We went to Mom and Dad Nelson's after and had a nice little bbq lunch and the boys played their hearts out.

Sunday, May 27, 2007
Today Travis had to work, so I took the boys to church myself. We have a sweet girl named Ashley that helps me out when Travis can't make it. She sits with the boys the first part while I sit on the stand. Then I go down and sit with them until the closing song. Sometimes, like today, I really don't want to leave the stand because then people would know that the little monsters down on row three belong to me. I have to admit that 90% of the time, they are very good little boys. One time not too long ago, Travis had to go up and say the opening prayer. That meant that the boys would be left alone for a brief time. Those three sat quietly the entire prayer. Couldn't believe it! Anyway, back to today. Joseph was under the bench with Connor, tickling Connor. This made Connor laugh loudly. Spencer was busy trying to tell anyone who would listen about his stoplights and cars. Poor Ashley is trying to keep them quiet. Then I go down there. I make Joseph get up onto the bench and tell Spencer to hush. I put Connor on my lap. Heather Bailey, a friend and a fellow homeschooler and my visiting teacher, (they have 6 kids) turns around and hands my boys foam stickers of trucks and stoplights. The boys start sticking them all over the place. (the entire Bailey family was busy sticking them in each others hair etc) I have to say that I didn't hear a word of what any of the speakers said. I feel bad about that. The stickers are pretty cool and it was very nice of the Bailey's to share too.
I admit that I was very excited to send all three packing off to Primary. (apologies to all of the adults in Primary) The boys love their teachers and their classes, but today when I went to pick them up...Spencer's teacher wanted to know where he got all the stickers (he had smuggled a bunch of them in his pocket), Connor's teacher wanted tips on how to keep him from climbing onto everything (ha! good luck with that), and the first thing Joseph said when he saw me was, "I was no trouble at all!" His teacher just smiled.
When we got home I asked the boys what they learned about in their classes. Spencer goes, "Umm, how about...Jesus! Yep, and Heavenly Father too!" I looked over at Joseph and he said,"I'm pretty sure we talked about Jesus too. We looked for yellow paper and Anthony told a funny joke." Brother! (o:
Needless to say, I'm still glad that we have a chance to go to church each Sunday. I'm thankful that the boys have their 90% good times, and I'm much more appreciative of the Sundays that Travis gets to come with us. Wouldn't life be so boring if we didn't have that 10% once in a while?
Well, Connor just smacked his head on the wall and is now carrying a pack of frozen corn on the cob on his head. (he didn't want the ice) I better go start dinner and wrangle the corn away from him. It's part of the dinner.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Tall, Skinny Spencer
He is 75% for height and 55% for weight, so he is following in his uncle David and Nate's footsteps. He is long and thin. All three of my boys have measured on the very high end for their height, but that isn't surprising since their dad is 6 feet and my brothers are over 6 feet.
So, all in all he is a very healthy little boy. He was very silly when they did the eye test and had a little audience of nurses and doctors watching him because when Nurse Anne pointed to the little pictures on the chart, he couldn't just say-that's a plus, or that's a mug- no, he had to say-"That's a mug. I have a mug with a penguin on it." Or, "that's a lower case t, or a plus sign, or a cross." Took forever to get it done. Everyone was cracking up. Then, when he got his finger poked, he jumped and then yelled, "Hey, you hurt me!" He was very unhappy. Lastly, when the shot nurse came in to give him his shot, she said, you will only be getting one shot today. Spencer replied,"I don't think so!" He was very good and didn't even cry.
Ah, Spencer. He's such a blessing to our family!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Another time related issue is the fact that my little baby is no longer in a crib! Today I took his crib apart and tonight he is sleeping in the little toddler bed. I can't believe he is old enough to do that! Although, Joseph was not even 2 when he went in (cause Spencer needed the crib), and Spencer was just over 2. (cause Connor was on his way) Connor is what, 30 months? Time really does fly. Well, except the first night that you put a 2 year old in a toddler bed. I had planned to continue my cleaning efforts after Connor went to sleep, but it turned into a 3 hour battle that ended just mere minutes ago. Ahh, it's all worth it in the end though. (o:
One other story. Today as I was working on the "new" playroom, Joseph came in and said,"Mom, I am so thrilled with this new playroom! It's going to be great!" He's thrilled. He's never used that word before. Then, just before he went to bed, he went in and looked at my bed (in it's new place) and said, "Wow, Mom! Your room is going to be glorious when you are finished!" Glorious???? This kid never ceases to amaze me. So cute-so priceless.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
PBJ's and Zoopa!
Yesterday we went to Zoopa's for the first time. I think there are only 2 in the entire state of Washington. They cater to Vegans and health nuts. I was in heaven. No, I'm not a vegan!!! BUT, being the faithful Weight Watchers member that I am (mostly), it was really wonderful. You make yourself a gigantic salad as soon as you walk in. Everything was so fresh and beautiful. Then you can partake in their other treats around the room. They have a little bakery, soup area, pizza and pasta area, baked potato bar, and dessert area. I had a little clam chowder and tried some of their baked goods. It was all so yummy. Plus, there are lots of healthy options. Tofu, ff dressings, whole wheat breads and muffins. It was great. The kids loved it because they got a slice of pizza, a little salad, and then icecream. Travis and his mom were with us. It was nice having three adults and three kids. My kind of ratio!
Anyway, it was a lot of fun and if you have a Zoopa in your area, (or a Fresh Choice), I highly recommend trying it out. (
Better go. I have visiting teachers coming this morning and then I need to make a fruit salad for a party I am going to tonight.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
The other day when we went out to Seattle Spencer brought home an entire bucket of little rocks and pieces of bark and wood. Every time I vacuum now I have to carefully check the floor around the tables to make sure that there are no rocks that could kill my poor vacuum cleaner. These kids have been very clever with their rocks and sticks. Making pretend rock slides on their train tracks, pretend paving of roads, building fences and bridges...the list goes on, but these things are a pain for me. I was expressing my frustrations to Travis and he said, "Well, some day soon they will be bringing home bugs to play with instead of rocks." I agreed and decided that I would rather clean up rocks than bugs.
Fast forward a couple of days to Saturday. We were at Travis's parents house. The boys were out back digging in their favorite little dirt hole. Next thing I know, Joseph hands me three roly-poly bugs. (or pill bugs-whatever you want to call them) We ended up handling and studying these bugs and and several others along with a nice juicy worm. Travis was right! As I was explaining to Joseph why the bugs roll up and how similar they look to an armadillo, I couldn't help but think how much fun it is to have these three inquisitive, slightly rambunctious boys. They have really helped me to leave my comfort zone on occasion and do things that normally I would never do. I love it!
So, to summarize-I love my boys! I love having boys! I am grateful that we were given three such special and very individual little boys!
The End! (o:
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 10, 2007
No Glasses!
In other news, Mallard is back to visit. For those of you who have never heard of Mallard, here is a brief history... Inside a kit on Ponds that I got from the Library, there was a mallard duckling puppet. Joseph named him Mallard. (soo original!) For one month Joseph loved this little puppet with all his heart. Then it was time to return him. There were many tears and really utter devastation! We felt so bad for Joseph because he really loved this thing. But, we had to return the duck so we visited e-bay and found a smaller mallard duck that came with the name Mally. We ordered her and when she arrived we told him that Mallard had called his little sister Mally and asked her to come live with Joseph while he was away at the library. This worked very well for a while. The other day though, he told us he really missed Mallard and would like to have him visit again. I put the kit on hold and today after the eye doctor, we went to the library and picked up Mallard. Joseph hasn't stopped smiling since we got home. Here is a picture of him and his ducklings. (pay no attention to the chocolate face)
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Busy Days!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
My Handsome Little Men
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Our Solar System
Here are a couple of pictures of our fabulous solar system mobile! I got the pattern from
Friday, May 4, 2007
As for the rest of the bunch. Everyone is all healthy and happy. The other day Travis made a very eclectic cd for us to just play whenever. He and I have had difficulty letting go of the music from our past. (we really do love the 80's!)Plus, we like a very wide range of music types, so the kids are exposed to some very interesting stuff. Today we were playing this cd and they were dancing and singing along. We had to laugh as our kids were singing to Kenny Loggins, Allen Jackson, George Strait, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Cher...The list goes on. Then after Travis left for work we listened to some Georges Bizet to calm them all down. (that's classical for those of you wondering) (o: Connor is our music man. He has loved music since before he was born. I led the Sacrament meeting music when I was pregnant with him (and still do). When I led, they have me stand next to the organ. Every time my organist, Beth, would start to play he would start moving all over the place. He's not changed since then.
Travis is doing very well at work lately. I think he really enjoys his newest role as the Customer Service Area Supervisor. He has had to deal with some crazy people, some angry people, and some thieves, but it keeps his days interesting. Kohl's is a good place and I am so grateful that we were led to there. Of course things can be tough on occasion~it's never easy all the time to have a huge group with so many different personalities working together, but I am very proud of Travis and the way he conducts himself and the example he is. He really enjoys himself there and I always say it's important to have a job that you enjoy. Now we are just crossing our fingers and praying that when he goes to the Executive interviews in July that his superiors appreciate him as much as we do. (o:
Okay, enough of the babbling. Better go do some laundry. It really has been piling up lately. I found out why today though. Joseph changes his clothes more than a teenage girl! He wakes up and dresses in warm clothes because it's chilly in the morning. Then when it starts to warm up, new outfit-cooler clothes, then in the evening-warmer clothes again (fresh ones, not the ones from the am) and then his pajamas at bedtime. I had him spend some time this morning hanging clothes up that he had only worn for an hour. Crazy kid. Can't help but love 'em for their quirky individuality! (o: